PERFORMING ARTS by Javier Munoz Bravo.
Une Saison en Métavers [A Saison in Metaverse] Immersive opera [2014]
ThREE Immersive dance piece [2023]
“A Season in the Metaverse” plunges us into a future where artificial intelligence governs humanity. The latter, confined in the Metaverse, are no longer in physical contact, communicating and living exclusively through the screen.
Inspired by E. M. Forster’s The Machine Stops and A Season in Hell, the play features Arthur Rimbaud trying to persuade the machine to let him enter the Metaverse, a place forbidden to poets and artists. Through the human voice interacting with AI, motion sensors and real-time electronics, this immersive and poetic experience highlights human singularity in the face of technological domination. A reflection on the complex relationship between humanity and technology, the piece explores themes of freedom, equality and migration. But the question remains: does humanity really have everything it needs to live happily within the Metaverse?

Three generations ago swiss men colonised Indonesia. Not only land but also womxn. Being a legacy of colonial concubinage I carry both sides in my body.
Three generations ago, Switzerland colonized Indonesia. Not only the country, but also the”women”. As a descendant of colonial concubinage, the choreographer Stefanie Inhelder carries both sides within herself.
We dive into the vast sea separating these contrasting frontlines. In this space we explore the paradoxes: that our ancestry has left us. Guided by a minimalist, pulsating core, five performers navigate through time. As we reach the present, inflexible narratives transform into a flowing polyphony-a process of decolonising the body perceived as feminine.
ThREE is an immersive piece that embraces the audience with an octophonic soundscape and holographic visuals. Through motion capture technology, the dancers’ movements expand throughout the theater auditorium. ThREE invites the audience to let go of clear sight and sides to find ourselves in the space between.